Breast Augmentation

Case Studies

  • Breast Lift vs Implants: Take Our Quiz To See Which One Is Right for You!

    Thinking about enhancing your breasts but aren’t sure where to start? Or maybe you already have a procedure in mind and want to confirm whether it’ll get you the results you want. Wherever you are on your journey, we are here to help. We’ve put together a short quiz to help you compare whether a…

  • Try Your Breasts on Pre-Surgery with Vectra 3D Imaging

    What will your breasts look like after breast augmentation? You don’t have to wait to find out. Long before that first incision, you can see your new breasts with Vectra 3D Imaging. Try on implant shapes and sizes to discover the perfect breasts for your body. What Can Vectra 3D Imaging Do for Me? Preparing…

  • Breast Augmentation With Lift vs. Without (Updated 2023)

    Dr. Lewis is often asked, “Will breast augmentation fix my saggy breasts?” Many patients with a bit of breast sagging hope that breast implants will “take up the slack” and leave their breasts both full and perky. The question of whether to lift or not with your implants is a good one; unfortunately there is…

  • What Happens To Your Breast Implants As You Age?

    You may feel apprehensive about how your breast implants might age or change as time goes by. In most cases, you likely won’t experience any drastic changes; breast implants are designed to last 10 years or more. However, it’s a good idea to know what to expect as your implants age so you don’t worry…

  • 4 Things To Consider When Choosing Breast Implants

    What’s the first thing that comes to mind if you’re considering breast augmentation? For most women, it’s choosing the size of breast implants. At our Richmond, VA, plastic surgery practice, we use the MENTOR® Volume Sizing System to help patients select the implant volume that best meets their desired results. But size is only one…

  • 4 Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

    Women considering breast augmentation at our Richmond, VA, practice have questions about the size and type of breast implants they should get and whether they should have implants placed above or below their chest muscles. But what many patients are most concerned about is the recovery following surgery. What surprises many of my breast augmentation…

  • Can You Breastfeed With Breast Implants?

    Women with breast implants or considering breast augmentation at our Richmond, VA, plastic surgery practice often ask if having implants interferes with breastfeeding an infant. In general, breast implants don’t pose a risk to a woman’s ability to breastfeed. Still, you should consider a few factors if you already have implants or are planning breast…

  • How Breast Implants Help With Uneven Breasts

    Facial symmetry is thought to be one of the universal hallmarks of attractiveness. It’s also true for women’s breasts, but the fact is asymmetrical breasts are quite common. Usually, though, the unevenness is minimal and doesn’t cause concern. When the difference in size, shape, or position of the breasts is noticeable, it can make a…

  • 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Breast Augmentation

    Women thinking about getting breast implants often consider their decision for months, even years, before scheduling their first breast augmentation consultation with a plastic surgeon. At my Richmond, VA, practice, breast augmentation patients are clearly knowledgeable about the procedure but still have many questions. Even before you schedule a consultation, however, there are questions you…

  • How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

    As breast augmentation grows increasingly popular, many women want to know how long their breast implants will last. The answer to this question depends on a few variables. As we often tell our breast augmentation patients here in Richmond, VA, there’s no strict lifespan for breast implants. Every surgery is unique, and no two patients…

  • Breast Augmentation Revision: No Need to Worry

    Most women who get breast implants are happy with their results, as you can see from the 98% RealSelf “worth it” rating given by actual breast augmentation patients. At some point, however, most women need breast augmentation revision surgery. At my Richmond, VA, practice, I make sure patients understand that this is a natural part…

  • The Subtle Breast Augmentation

    Many women associate breast implants with the obvious “boob job” look. While dramatic results may be appropriate for some, breast augmentation isn’t a 1-size-fits-all procedure. In fact, as a board-certified plastic surgeon in Richmond, VA, I’ve found that more women are opting for a highly personalized breast augmentation procedure that fits their body and aesthetic…

  • Back Massages After Breast Augmentation

    If you’re used to getting regular massages, you’re probably wondering when you can get back on the table after your breast augmentation. But like many of your normal activities, you’ll need to ease back into your massage routine after breast augmentation at my plastic surgery practice in Richmond, VA. To ensure lasting results, it’s crucial that…

  • An Infographic Guide to Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

    Concerned about having children and breast feeding after getting breast implants? Dr. Lewis created this Guide to Breastfeeding With Breast Implants to answer your questions about whether or not you can breastfeed, what you should consider before surgery, and how breastfeeding will affect your breasts. For more information on breast implants, click here.

  • Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants – What You Need to Know

    The saline or silicone decision is a difficult one for many breast augmentation patients. Which type of implant is best? The good news is, you don’t have to make this decision alone. We’ll help you choose the right implants, sort out the differences between saline and silicone, and discover your best breasts. Call and schedule…

  • Breast Lift vs. Augmentation: What’s the Difference?

    Droopy breasts? Deflated, post-baby breasts? Naturally small breasts? Asymmetrical breasts? If you don’t love your breasts, ask us about breast surgery. Dr. Lewis can help you discover your perfect, perky breasts. If you’re thinking about breast surgery, you may have questions about the best course of action. Do you need a breast lift or breast…

  • Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips: Essential At-Home Care

    When you get breast implants you’re making a commitment to care for them. Take good care of them and you can enjoy gorgeous, full breasts for years to come. But don’t worry—breast implants are pretty low maintenance. Here are some essentials tips we give breast augmentation patients at our Richmond, VA, practice. Give Yourself Time…

  • A Best Friend’s Guide to Breast Augmentation

    Are you or know someone who is considering a breast augmentation? Lucky you! Dr. Lewis has created a “Best Friend’s Guide to Breast Augmentation” to help anyone interested in the breast enlargement procedure understand the process from start to finish. Click the image below to download the Guide and learn more about the procedure and learn if…

  • What Will I Look Like after Breast Augmentation?

    What will you look like after a breast augmentation? Many women struggle with visualizing their new look before surgery, making it difficult to choose the right implant size. We’ve got the solution. Dr. Lewis is pleased to offer VECTRA 3D imaging, a revolutionary option that allows you to “see” your results before surgery. Call us today…

  • Do I Need a Breast Lift with My Implants?

    “Will breast implants fix my saggy breasts?” This question is a common one in our offices, especially from patients with a bit of breast sagging that are considering implants. They hope that increasing the size of their bust will eliminate the sagging they’re experiencing and leave their breasts both full and perky. The question of…

  • Breast Surgeries

    Learn the basics about Breast Augmentation, Breast lifts, Breast revision as well as Breast Reduction. If you’d like to learn more about your options, call Dr. Lewis at (804) 267-6009.

  • Breast Implant Types: Beyond Saline & Silicone

    What type of breast implants will you choose? If you think the only decision you’ll have to make is between saline and silicone, you’re mistaken. When it comes to choosing implants a lot of different options are available. Don’t worry, this isn’t a decision you’ll have to make alone. Dr. Lewis will work closely with…

  • Breast Augmentation Do’s and Don’ts

    Are you ready for your breast augmentation? Before you go under the knife and get those perky, new implants make sure you’re ready. These simple do’s and don’ts will help you prepare for your procedure from choosing your surgeon until recovery is complete. With these tips as your guide you’ll be enjoying those gorgeous new…