Avoiding Sunburns This Summer

It’s getting hotter and we’re loving sunny days by the pool. As you soak up the sun this summer, stay sun safe. Not only will you avoid uncomfortable sunburns, you’ll also protect yourself from premature aging and skin cancer. Sun is fun, but only when you’re careful.

Prepare and Prevent to Avoid Sunburns

A little prevention can go a long way when it comes to sunburns and sun damage. You need a good sunscreen. Use at least an SPF 15 for daily use, a higher SPF for days in the sun.

  • Use Lots of Sunscreen– Are you using enough sunscreen? You need about a shot glass full for a full body application. If you aren’t in a swimsuit, use about a teaspoon per area (1 t. for the face, 1 t. for each arm, etc.).
  • Reapply Often– Sunscreen needs frequent re-applications, especially if you’re wet or sweaty. At a minimum, reapply every 2 hours.
  • Don’t Miss a Spot– Make sure you get everywhere on your body that will be exposed to sun. These areas are commonly missed: behind the knees, feet, hands, ears, scalp.

Do you really need to worry about the sun? Yes, if you want to avoid skin cancer and premature aging. Just 5 sunburns double your risk for melanoma and sun exposure is a primary cause of premature aging. If you’re looking for a good sunscreen, come on in. We have a wide range of skin care products available from top skin care lines including Obagi, Skinceuticals, and Environ.

I Have Signs of Sun Damage. What Can I Do?

If you have signs of sun damage, it isn’t too late to take corrective action. Commit today to better sun safety to stop future damage from occurring. Then, come see us about cosmetic treatments to improve the appearance of your skin.

  • Chemical Peel– A chemical peel removes the top layers of skin, allowing fresh, young skin to rise to the surface. A chemical peel, like our TCA peel, is a great treatment for sun damaged skin. We may recommend a series of peels initially with regularly scheduled maintenance treatments.

Take Care of Skin Cancer

If you do have signs of skin cancer, address it early on. Skin cancer is very common, but often very easy to manage if it is caught early. If you have skin cancer, call us for a free consultation about your treatment options.

This summer, be sun smart.