The Normalization of Plastic Surgery

Are you considering plastic surgery? You’re completely normal. A recent article in Time magazine discusses the dramatic changes that have occurred in the plastic surgery industry over the last couple of decades. What was once a closely guarded secret is now proudly proclaimed. As the article states, “You’re going to get a cosmetic procedure for the same reason you wear makeup: because every other woman is.” We hope you do it for a different reason … because you want to.

Plastic Surgery Is More Accepted

One of the biggest changes over the last several years is the acceptance of plastic surgery. Men and women (and even celebrities) are willing to admit to having cosmetic work done. The Time article does caution that not all procedures are bragged about. Enhancing procedures like breast augmentation are more openly discussed than anti-aging treatments.

Why the change? Plastic surgery was once a secret, but now it is not. We suspect there are several reasons behind the shift in opinion. While surgery is still popular, minimally invasive treatments are much more so. In 2020, 13.2 million minimally invasive procedures were performed in the U.S. (compared to 2.3 million surgical procedures). Minimally invasive options make it easy to enhance your appearance. Recovery times are minimal and often the treatments are more affordable than surgical options.

Social media is also changing plastic surgery. Patients connect with surgeons online, share their surgery journeys, and even ask for advice. Friends often know what procedures their friends have had, making it easier to get work done themselves. Additionally, the widespread sharing of pictures helps everyone want to look their best.

It Is More Affordable

Plastic surgery is also more affordable. Once reserved for only the rich, middle-class patients are becoming more common. According to the Time article, in 2005 two-thirds of cosmetic surgery patients made $60,000 or less each year. Financing options are often available, which also helps make covering the cost of plastic surgery more attainable for many people.

People are also willing to spend more on plastic surgery, reports the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In the organization’s 2022 report, plastic surgeons said 76% of their patients are willing to “spend a lot more” or “somewhat more” on plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery isn’t something to be embarrassed of. It is a way to embrace the best version of yourself. We like how the Time article puts it, “Cosmetic surgery has become the new makeup.”

If you’re interested in a plastic surgery procedure, such as liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, or a facelift, request a consultation using our online form or call us today at (804) 267-6009 to schedule your appointment.

This post was updated in April 2023.