Plastic Surgery Advertising – Is ‘Too Real’ Too Much?

According to an article in the Huffington Postlast week, an online magazine rejected a popular Plastic Surgeon’s advertisements for being “Too Real”.

The advertisements submitted to the magazine featured women whose bodies would be considered a normal, average size to most people.  These are not the pictures of stick thin models you are used to seeing in magazines and on television.  These are pictures of average size women pointing out common problematic areas on their body, something most can relate to.  However, this online magazine and a few others thought these pictures were too realistic and refused to publish them.

Setting body size aside, what’s wrong with a company wanting to point out what their product/service can fix instead of only the “after” image.  How many times have you watched a commercial on TV for some cleaning product and the first thing you see is an overly disgusting bathroom?  Or when you see an advertisement for toothpaste and they show the gross yellow teeth that their product can fix?

I think these advertisements are great, they’re honest and relatable.  To me, it would be easier to relate to someone who is a little like me instead of perfect all around.  I think it says a lot about this magazine for their editors to decide that these pictures aren’t aesthetically pleasing enough to post these.

How do you feel about these advertisements?  Comment bellow or visit our Facebook page to share your thoughts!