Plastic Surgery and the Modern Male

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of men and plastic surgery? We hear about many potential male patients feeling a bit uneasy about plastic surgery. They worry what others might think or assume that plastic surgery is just for women. While this might have been a valid concern years ago, the perceptions are changing and plastic surgery is now a practice accepted (and in many cases embraced) by men wanting to look their best. If you’re a man and want plastic surgery, contact us at Lewis Plastic Surgery. We loving helping both men and women improve their looks.

Don’t just take our word for it. The statistics speak for themselves. Men, just like women, love the results they can obtain through plastic surgery.

Male Plastic Surgery is On the Rise

Plastic surgery’s popularity has been surging amongst male patients over the past couple of decades. Not only have many surgical procedures seen big increases, but non-surgical cosmetic treatments like Botox have seen big increases too. From 2000 to 2013 male Botox saw increases of 310% with 385,358 procedures performed in 2013. During the same time period male lip augmentation increased 371% and buttock lifts increased 283%. Last year men received about 13% of all cosmetic surgical procedures performed and more than a million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

What Procedures are Most Popular for Men?

When it comes to plastic surgery, the best procedure is of course the one you need. Some men don’t need male breast reduction or ear surgery while others can greatly enhance their look with these procedures. Here at Lewis Plastic Surgery we focus on each patient individually, helping them to achieve their personal aesthetic goals. You have different needs and wants than our other male patients and we will take the time to focus on you. We work with each patient to empower them with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about each procedure, its benefits, and risks.

That being said, there are a few procedures that tend to be most popular with male patients. Let’s take a look at the top 5 male surgical procedures according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:

  • Liposuction– With nearly 52,000 procedures performed in 2013 liposuction topped the charts as the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for men. This procedure can be a great tool for removing stubborn fat in trouble spots that won’t go away even with diet and exercise. Common areas of liposuction for males include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back, chin, and more. If you’re looking to reshape and refine your body, liposuction could be the boost you need.
  • Blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery)- The eyes are one of the first areas where you notice the signs of aging. An eyelid lift can open up your eyes once again, bringing new light to your entire face and turning back the clock on your look.
  • Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)- If your nose is too large or a shape you dislike come in and talk with us about rhinoplasty, the third most common cosmetic surgical procedure for men in 2013. This surgery can also treat some breathing problems caused by a deviated septum or other airway blockage issues.
  • Male Breast Reduction– Are you embarrassed by your male breasts? In 2013 more than 22,000 men underwent male breast reduction surgery. This procedure removes excess fat from the breast area and can improve both self-image and confidence.
  • Otoplasty (ear surgery)- You are never too old to correct protruding ears. Nearly 16,000 otoplasty procedures were performed on male patients in 2013. This procedure isn’t just for ears that stick out too much; it can also be used to correct ear shape, overly large ears, and even mismatched ears.

Plastic surgery isn’t just for women. Contact us today!