Bedside Manner Matters

If you were to choose one key factor in choosing a quality doctor, what would you choose? Medical knowledge? Cost? Education? For many patients bedside manner ranks top on the list. Doctor-patient relationships and physician personality were the top priority for 59% of respondents in one recent study compared with just 29% of respondents choosing actual health outcomes. Quality of care and results are important, essential actually, but when it comes down to it, bedside manner matters too. That’s one reason why Dr. Lewis is so honored to be chosen as a recipient of a Best Bedside Manner award from Our Health in cosmetic surgery.

This award highlights the years of service and dedication he has shown to each of his patients. When you choose Dr. Lewis for your plastic surgery you can expect the same quality of service and caring understanding that he is known for.

Why Bedside Manner Matters

Bedside manner is so much more than whether a doctor is polite when you meet with them. It actually can have a big influence on the results you receive from the doctor. One study found that a doctor’s bedside manner can have a real effect on the health of their patients. Doctors that received relationship focused training were found to have a small, but significant impact on the health outcomes of their patients with various conditions. Interestingly the effect was even greater than the impact of medications like low-dose aspirin and statins when it came to preventing heart attack.

While this study wasn’t specifically related to plastic surgery, it does show that interactions with doctors matter when it comes to the health of their patients. But, you likely already know that. How do you feel when you spend hours in the waiting room only to be rushed by a doctor that doesn’t listen?

The Best Bedside Manner Award- What Does it Mean for You?

Dr. Lewis’ Bedside Manner Award is a big honor, but it isn’t just good news for him and his practice. Each patient at Lewis Plastic Surgery can benefit from this award and what it means. To choose the recipients of this award more than 15,000 health consumers were surveyed to select the best local doctors in over 60 specialties. Being chosen as a doctor with exemplary bedside manner shows that both Dr. Lewis and the staff here at Lewis Plastic Surgery are focused on helping each patient not just with their surgery, but throughout the entire plastic surgery process. It speaks highly of our reputation amongst clients and the community.

When you choose Lewis Plastic Surgery you can trust that you’re getting a doctor that will really be there for you. Dr. Lewis is a proud recipient of a Best Bedside Manner award from Our Health’s Richmond edition.