Do I Need Facial Liposuction or a Facelift?

Do you want a more youthful appearance? Many aging men and women assume that a facelift is the only option for a rejuvenated face. While a facelift is the best option for some, many patients can benefit greatly from facial liposuction, a minimally invasive procedure that can change the shape of your face for a younger-looking appearance. Which procedure is right for you? Let’s take a look!

Good Candidates for Facial Liposuction

Facial liposuction removes localized fat deposits in the face. Small incisions are created and a cannula (tube) suctions out the excess fat. For some patients, facial liposuction can delay the need for a more invasive procedure like liposuction. Good candidates for this procedure often:

  • Are Younger– For younger patients, facial liposuction can delay the need for a facelift. If you’re starting to experience signs of facial aging, come see Dr. Lewis. Early action often means less invasive solutions.
  • Have Good Skin Elasticity– Good skin elasticity is important for optimal liposuction results. The best candidates have tight, firm skin. Small wrinkles or a crepey appearance to your skin can indicate a lack of elasticity and that a facelift may be needed.
  • Have Excess Fat– Liposuction, including facial liposuction, remedies one problem: excess fat. If you have loose hanging skin but not excess fat, facial liposuction isn’t the right procedure for you. If localized fat deposits are changing the shape of your face, you may be a candidate for facial liposuction. Liposuction can be performed on the face, neck, or both.

Recovery symptoms from this procedure take about 1 to 2 weeks. You’ll need to avoid strenuous exercise for about 4 weeks. Learn more about facial liposuction, including the areas of the face it treats and what recovery is like, in our related blog post.

Good Candidates for a Facelift

Some patients are better served by a facelift than liposuction. These patients often:

  • Have Loose, Sagging Skin- Liposuction can remove fat but doesn’t remedy loose skin. Ideal facelift candidates often have loose, sagging skin on the face and neck. A facelift addresses the signs of aging in the lower 2/3 of the face.
  • Are 40-70+- Typically the ideal facelift candidates are between 40 and 70+. Those at the younger end of the spectrum may be candidates for less invasive procedures as well.
  • Have Lines and Wrinkles– A facelift can reduce the appearance of lines above, below, and around the mouth (nasolabial folds, marionette lines). Liposuction isn’t going to address any wrinkling.

We also offer mini-facelifts and MACS lifts for patients that need a little less lift. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons offers more details about facelift surgery.

Facelift Plus Liposuction?

Some patients may benefit from both liposuction and a facelift. We can often combine procedures to minimize your recovery period while maximizing your results. Dr. Lewis may recommend other complementary procedures during your consultation.

Which One Is Right for Me?

One of the best ways to determine whether you’re a candidate for a facelift or facial liposuction is to talk with Dr. Lewis. Request a consultation using our online form or call us today at (804) 267-6009 to schedule your free consultation.