What Can I Expect from a Brow Lift?

Your brows were once your best feature, but time has caused a bit of drooping. Gravity is a powerful enemy. A brow lift can smooth the skin on the forehead, lift and reshape the eyebrows, and rejuvenate the face. Get your beautiful brow line back. Ask us about a brow lift.

What Can a Brow Lift Do for Me?

A brow lift can rejuvenate the forehead and brows. It can be performed on its own or paired with other procedures, most commonly a facelift or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). A brow lift can:

  • Smooth forehead wrinkles
  • Lift drooping eyebrows
  • Restore a natural looking arch to flattened eyebrows
  • Correct slight hooding on the upper eyelids
  • Remove excess skin for a flatter, smoother-looking forehead

This procedure is very rejuvenating, but must be done by a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Lewis for the best results. If the forehead muscles and skin are tightened excessively, the eyebrows can be too high on the face, leading to a constantly surprised appearance.

Customized to Your Unique Concerns

Look in the mirror. Where do you see signs of aging? A brow lift can rejuvenate around the eyes and forehead. It is highly customized to your specific areas of concern. During your consultation, Dr. Lewis will discuss your treatment goals and provide recommendations about the best course of treatment for your situation. Our goal is a natural looking rejuvenation that addresses your primary areas of concern. Look and feel your best!

Will I Have Scarring After a Brow Lift?

Many patients who are considering surgery on the face worry about the potential for scarring. Most patients notice little to no visible scarring after a brow lift. Dr. Lewis can help you determine your risk for this during your consultation. The incisions are made at or within the hairline to hide any scars.

What’s Recovery Lift After a Brow Lift?

You’ll be able to return home shortly after your surgery. You will be drowsy from the sedation and anesthesia, so someone will need to drive you. Plan on taking about 1-2 weeks off from work. Swelling, bruising, and tenderness are common, but Dr. Lewis will provide pain medication to ease any discomfort. You’ll need to avoid strenuous exercise for about three weeks, as it can increase the risk of swelling.

The brows are one of the first areas to show the signs of aging, but a brow lift can help restore a youthful appearance to this area. Call today and learn about your options.