What Will I Look Like after Breast Augmentation?

Brunette woman with red shirt looking in mirror

What will you look like after a breast augmentation? Many women struggle with visualizing their new look before surgery, making it difficult to choose the right implant size. We’ve got the solution. Dr. Lewis is pleased to offer VECTRA 3D imaging, a revolutionary option that allows you to “see” your results before surgery. Call us today and ask about VECTRA!

Take Your Implants for a Visual Test Drive

What size implants are right for me? This question is a common one amongst our breast augmentation patients. The tricky thing is size is a very personal preference. With VECTRA, you can “try on” different implant types sizes to see how you would look. This can help you make informed decisions about your treatment before you ever head in to surgery. Big or small, seeing can help you determine just the right size for your new breasts.

Size isn’t the only decision that VECTRA can assist with. It can also be a valuable tool for determining if you need a breast lift. You can see what your new breasts will like with just implants and with implants/lift.

How Does it Work?Vectra 3D Imaging

VECTRA imaging is quick and painless (and, to be honest, a lot of fun). We start with a 3D image taken using a special machine. This image is then used to create simulations of your potential new breasts. Your doctor can show you what you’ll look like after surgery with a variety of different implant types and sizes. You’ll see your new breasts both exposed and in a bikini style top. You and Dr. Lewis can experiment with different implants until you achieve your ideal result.

See how it works by trying this online demo.

How Accurate is VECTRA?

What good is a preview of your breast augmentation if the results aren’t accurate? VECTRA imaging is highly accurate and will show a fairly realistic depiction of what you can expect from breast augmentation. The simulations are based on the actual implants that will be used during your procedure.

Dr. Lewis is excited to offer his patients this new tool prior to breast augmentation. The days of guessing at the best implant size are over; try Vectra and you’ll know you’ve made the right breast augmentation decision. Call us today at 804-267-6009 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lewis today.