5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Breast Augmentation

Woman in white bra after breast augmentation

Women thinking about getting breast implants often consider their decision for months, even years, before scheduling their first breast augmentation consultation with a plastic surgeon. At my Richmond, VA, practice, breast augmentation patients are clearly knowledgeable about the procedure but still have many questions.

Even before you schedule a consultation, however, there are questions you should ask yourself. It’s important to feel confident in the reasons you’re considering breast augmentation and prepared for the experience before taking the next step.

In my opinion, each patient should answer the following questions for themselves before booking a breast augmentation procedure.

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?

This seems like an easy question to answer, but it’s not necessarily as straightforward as you may think. Women considering getting breast implants do so for highly personal reasons. Some may be naturally flat-chested and want to enhance their breast size to give them more confidence. Women who have had children may want to restore volume lost after pregnancy. Breast augmentation can also correct asymmetrical breasts. Whatever the reason, patients should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the procedure.

Why am I choosing to get a breast augmentation?

Examining your motivation for getting breast implants is critical. Choosing to get breast augmentation surgery to enhance your confidence and self-image is common and understandable. Most women and men want to feel comfortable with their bodies and feel great when they look in the mirror. Getting breast implants to save a relationship or because someone else is pressuring you to do so are red flags. If you’re feeling uncertain, it’s best to see if an outside source is driving your decision.

Am I financially secure enough to get a breast augmentation?

Excitement should be the predominant feeling when you think about getting breast implants, not stress. Saving for breast augmentation surgery can be part of that excitement, but if you’re worried about your finances, it is best to wait until you’re more financially secure. The cost of breast augmentation in the Richmond area varies but typically starts at about $6,000. Our practice works with CareCredit®, a company that offers affordable financing plans for elective healthcare procedures. If your budget results in shopping for the least expensive option, that’s a sign that waiting would be the best decision.

Am I comfortable with the risk of complications and the recovery time needed?

Breast augmentation complications are fairly rare, but it’s important that you understand the risks anytime you undergo surgery, especially for elective cosmetic procedures. We reduce the risk of complications by using the most advanced surgical techniques and operating at an accredited outpatient surgical center or a local hospital.

What am I looking for in a plastic surgeon?

You have many options in the Richmond area when choosing plastic surgeons. I recommend making sure your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), which is the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. It’s also helpful to review a surgeon’s gallery of before-and-after photos to see the types of results he or she produces. After checking the qualifications, experience, and training of a surgeon, it’s essential to feel a sense of trust so you can share your personal feelings about getting breast implants. The ultimate goal is to get the results you desire.

If you’ve answered these questions for yourself, request a consultation at our practice using the online form or calling us at (804) 267-6009.