Body Surgery

Case Studies

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  • Patient #16

    Procedures Performed 34 year old female who had gastric sleeve operation and lost 95lbs was unhappy with the extra skin on her upper arms and lateral chest. Dr. Lewis performed an extended brachioplasty onto her chest wall to address the additional skin on her lateral chest. Patient is extremely excited to be able to wear short…

  • Patient #18

    Procedures Performed 67 year old female with extra skin after having gastric sleeve performed. Patient decided to have a brachioplasty and tummy tuck in the same surgery. She is able to wear clothes that would not have been possible before the operation.   Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #24

    Procedures Performed 32 year old female unhappy with the contour of her abdomen after 5 children. Because she had additional fat in her upper abdomen and flanks, liposuction was performed in these areas in addition to the extended abdominoplasty. The after pictures were taken 6 weeks post operatively. She is beyond thrilled with her results…

  • Patient #32

    Procedures Performed 43 year old female unhappy with the excess skin from gastric bypass. One year after her bypass, she decided to pursue plastic surgery. While there is many areas of concern, her arms were the first priority to have the extra skin removed. She is thrilled with the results and being able to wear…

  • Patient #33

    Procedures Performed 36 year old female unhappy with the excess fat and skin on her arms after losing weight. A brachioplasty with liposuction was performed and the results far exceeded the patients expectation.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #34

    Procedures Performed 52 year old female unhappy with the excess skin and the appearance of the skin due to aging. A brachioplasty was performed and she is thrilled that she can wear sleeveless dresses and shirts.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #36

    Procedures Performed Patient was unhappy with the volume of fat in her chin and decided to try a non-surgical alternative to reduce the size. CoolSculpting was done on her chin twice and were spaced 12 weeks apart. She loved the results so much, she has decided to Coolsculpt other areas on her body as well. Surgeon:…

  • Patient #38

    Procedures Performed 24 year old female interested in body contouring specifically liposuction to her abdomen, back, flanks and medial thighs as well as fat transfer to her buttocks. She primarily wanted more curvature of her buttocks not volume. Dr. Lewis performed a Brazilian Butt Lift and the patient loves the results.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.…

  • Patient #53

    Procedures Performed 30 year old male was unhappy since puberty about the appearance of his breasts. Despite being thin and working out, he was unhappy with the prominence of tissue underneath his central breast. This was treated with a combination of liposuction and direct excision of the tissue.He was very happy to be able to…

  • Patient #54

    Procedures Performed 30 year old male had been exercising and dieting for years, but was unable to get rid of the extra fat on his lower abdomen and flanks. He had a tumescent liposuction performed on his abdomen and flanks.The after photos were taken two months after the surgery.Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Male

  • Patient #62

    Procedures Performed 32 year old male unhappy with contour of abdomen and back. Despite working out, he was unable to minimize these areas. Dr. Lewis performed liposuction to his upper and lower abdomen and flanks. The patient is extremely happy and wearing pants 2 sizes smaller than before the surgery.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #64

    Procedures Performed 42-year-old female with prior Abdominoplasty and Breast Augmentation who did not like the position of her lower abdominal incision and Breast Shape/Size. Dr. Lewis revised the placement of the incision, corrected the size of her umbilicus and revised her breasts with a lift and used 500cc Silicone Implants.​ Patient is extremely happy!

  • Patient #69

    Procedures Performed 28 year old mother of 3 interested in a smaller waist and additional volume in her butt. Liposuction was performed on her abdomen, flanks, back and medial thighs. A total of 950 ml of fat was injected into each buttock.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #70

    Procedures Performed 28-year-old female, who was interested in liposuction to, bilateral outer thighs, abdomen and flanks and using a fat transfer to her buttock. 800ml of fat were injected into each buttock. Patient is very happy with her results. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #71

    Procedures Performed 32-year-old female. Patient was interested in buttock augmentation by using fat from her abdomen, upper and lower back. 960 ml of fat was injected into each buttock.​ Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #73

    Procedures Performed 52 year old patient 4 years post gastric bypass. Starting weight was 270 pounds and once she reached her goal of 160lbs and had been stable for 2 years, she decided it was time to pursue sugical options. She was unhappy with the skin on her lower abdomen and sag in her breasts.…

  • Patient #75

    Procedures Performed 35-year-old mother of twins, was unhappy with the contour of her abdomen and flanks.  After an abdominoplasty and liposuction of her flanks, she is feeling great about herself and her new body.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #76

    Procedures Performed 32 year-old who was unhappy with the contour of her abdomen. She has had 2 children and because she doesn’t plan on having anymore, she had an extended abdominoplasty. Her results were beyond her expectations and she is thrilled. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Patient #77

    Procedures Performed 44-year-old mother of 3 was unhappy with the volume of her breasts as well as her superior pole and cleavage. She also knows that she has sag in her breasts, and would like that corrected.​ Additionally, she is unhappy with the contour of her abdomen. and does not like the excess skin she…

  • Patient #78

    Procedures Performed 29-year-old has had 3 children and is planning no further children. She was unhappy with the extra skin of her lower abdomen and contour of her flanks. Dr. Lewis performed an abdominoplasty and liposuction of her flanks.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #79

    Procedures Performed 33-year-old with 2 children and was unhappy with the contour of her abdomen, size and shape of her breasts. Dr. Lewis performed a tummy tuck, small breast reduction with lift and liposuction of her flanks, medial thighs and “bra roll”.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #80

    Procedures Performed 50 year old, after having 2 children, she was interested in cosmetic improvement of her abdomen. She was unhappy with the excess skin on she has on her abdomen, and the overall contour. Dr. Lewis performed a tummy tuck and her results were exactly what she was hoping for.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #82

    Procedures Performed 37 year old with 3 children unhappy with the contour and extra skin on her abdomen and flanks. A tummy tuck with liposuction to her flanks was performed and her results are more than she hoped for.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #83

    Procedures Performed 54 year old mother of 2 did not like the appearance of her stomach. Additionally, she also has an appendectomy scar in the lower right portion of her stomach she doesn’t like and it was removed with the tummy tuck.   Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Age: 54 Gender: Female

  • Patient #87

    Procedures Performed 43 year old mother of 2 who over several years lost 120 pounds through diet and exercise. In 2017 she had a tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation with Dr. Lewis. This procedure was done in 2018 because she was unhappy not only with extra fat on her back, but the extra skin. A…

  • Patient #88

    Procedures Performed 29 year old mother who has lost weight through diet and exercise went from 400 to 175 pounds. She was left with extra skin on her arms,  breasts, abdomen, back and thighs. Her primary concern is the extra skin on her abdomen so Dr. Lewis suggested she start with a fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty because…

  • Patient #111

    Procedures Performed 58 year old female who was interested in cosmetic improvement of her buttocks. She was interested in increased buttock volume asa well as liposuction to her abdomen, flanks, back, and medial thighs. Dr. Lewis preformed a Brazilian butt lift involving liposuction of those areas with a fat transfer to her buttocks. Dr. Lewis…

  • Patient #114

    Procedures Performed 40 year old female who was interested in a buttock augmentation. She had a prior abdominoplasty at another location and was unhappy with the contour of her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, and back. She was also interested in liposuction of her medial thighs. After discussion, she decided a Brazilian butt lift was…

  • Patient #116

    Procedures Performed 49 year old female who was interested in improvement of her abdomen. She has had children. Her primary concern is some extra fat tissue on her abdomen and flanks. She worked out regularly, but couldn’t get rid of the stubborn fat on her abdomen and flanks. Debating between an abdominoplasty or not, she…

  • Patient #117

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 28 year old female who is unhappy with the contour of her abdomen and flanks. Patient previously had children but is not planning on having anymore. Dr. Lewis preformed an abdominoplasty with liposuction of her flanks. These photos are taken six weeks apart. Patient is happy with her results.  Surgeon:…

  • Patient #118

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 42 year old female who was interested in a mommy makeover. She has already had children and doesn’t plan on having anymore children. For her, a mommy makeover was cosmetic improvement of her breasts, her abdomen, and her flanks. Patient decided wanted a implants as well as a lift for her…

  • Patient #122

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 47 year old female who had about a 60 pound weight loss after a gastric bypass and she is unhappy with the shape of her abdomen and breasts. Patient was interested in a moderate augmentation. She definitely wanted a mastopexy as well to improve the contour of her breasts and was…

  • Patient #127

    Procedures Performed This patient is a 35 year old female who has had children and not planning on having any further. She is unhappy with the contour of her abdomen and flanks. Dr. Lewis preformed a tummy tuck and also did liposuction on her flanks. Patient is extremely happy with her results and is ready…

  • Patient #129

    Procedures Performed 51 year old female who does not like the rolls she had on her back as well as the extra tissue above her bra. Dr. Lewis and the patient discussed to fix the roll on her back by preforming a trunkplasty, also known as a braline back lift. Patient knows she will have…

  • Patient #131

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 67 year old female who was interested in cosmetic improvement of her arms. She had extra laxity of skin on her upper arm but also extending on her forearm. Dr. Lewis preformed a brachioplasty on this patient. She is very happy with her results and is excited to wear short…

  • Patient #133

    Procedures Performed 60 year old female had a lap band many years ago and then a revision of that with a gastric bypass earlier this year. She has lost weight from a previous high of 288 pounds and is down to 155 pounds and is relatively stable. She is unhappy with extra skin on her…

  • Patient #134

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 54 year old female who presented to my office in contour improvement to her abdomen. She has had children in the past. She had extra skin overhanging her pannus as well as laxity of her abdominal wall and extra tissue on her flanks. Dr. Lewis recommended a tummy tuck as…

  • Patient #12

    Procedures Performed 40 year old female came into our Midlothian Va office unhappy with the extra skin and stretch marks left on her abdomen from having 2 children. After her initial consultation, she returned to our office 2 years later ready to proceed with Tummy Tuck. After the surgery, she was so excited to show off her figure…

  • Patient #4

    Procedures Performed 67 year old female from Richmond Va with extra skin after having gastric sleeve performed. Patient decided to have a tummy tuck and brachioplasty in the same surgery. She is able to wear clothes that would not have been possible before the operation so she is looking forward to buying a new wardrobe!​ Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Patient #52

    Procedures Performed 29 year old male unhappy with the shape of his breasts. He related that since his early teens he has been fairly thin, but has always had extra breast tissue. Dr. Lewis suggested using both Vaser assisted liposuction as well as direct surgical excision of the underlying gynecomastia tissue. This was performed using…