Julia’s Juvederm Experience

… I will recommend Dr Lewis to all of my friends …

“I am very impressed with Dr. Lewis. I feel that he answers all the questions you may have. He is very patient and understanding of any concerns.”

I had researched on the internet and found that Dr. Lewis is board certified. I went with my intuition and it just so happens that I was accurate in my decision. My procedure was a minor one. However, Dr. Lewis was very thorough and treated me with just as much care as if it was a major procedure.

“Yes, I would recommend Dr. Lewis. I am totally satisfied with his work. I appreciate his attention to detail and his thoroughness.”

I will recommend Dr. Lewis to all my friends. I am extremely happy with Dr. Lewis and his staff. I can appreciate the details of office visits kept to the scheduled times to the details of what to expect before, during and after a procedure. I believe his staff is as dedicated to their jobs as Dr. Lewis is to his.