Johanna’s Breast Reduction

… when i finally made the decision, i probably bore down on research for a couple of months and asked my PCP for a referral, and he referred me to Dr Lewis …

“Having large breasts since puberty, It has been something I have been contemplating for several years. I figured It was time to get it done, I’m not getting any younger! I have good insurance and payment option at this point in my life, If I am going to do it, I need to do it now. Also, I wanted to feel better, physically and mentally.”

“Here again, being that i have been considering this type of procedure for several years. When I finally made the decision to follow through, I probably bore down on research for a couple of months and ask my PCP for a referral. and he referred me to Dr Lewis.”

“Awaiting for the insurance’s approval was nerve wrecking as well, but excited and scared when finally received!”

“Afterwards…took me a long time to recover, heavy dose of the anesthesia concoction i guess, a little pain, but enjoyed the drugs. some complications with stitching opening up and having to be restitched and separation of the stitching, which was a little nerve wrecking but working itself out.”

“Yes I would (recommend Lewis Plastic Surgery) and I already have. Because it is one procedure that is worth it, in the end!”