Breast Lift vs. Augmentation: What’s the Difference?

Droopy breasts? Deflated, post-baby breasts? Naturally small breasts? Asymmetrical breasts? If you don’t love your breasts, ask us about breast surgery. Dr. Lewis can help you discover your perfect, perky breasts. If you’re thinking about breast surgery, you may have questions about the best course of action. Do you need a breast lift or breast augmentation? This guide will help you discover the differences between these two procedures so you can choose the right option for you.

What Is a Breast Lift?

Breasts are in a constant battle against gravity and, more often than not, gravity wins. Most women will experience breast sagging at some point in their lives. Many discover the problem begins after pregnancy. A breast lift can restore a more youthful, perky shape to the breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning tissue. It doesn’t change the size of the breasts, however—just the shape and position.

A breast lift might be the right procedure for you if you’re happy with your breast size but have some sagging. A breast lift is also ideal for women who want to improve breast shape but don’t want implants. To learn more about the breast lift procedure, read our related blog post.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation uses a saline or silicone implant to add volume to the breasts. This can increase cup size and add cleavage. Women often opt for implants to increase their natural size or to add volume after pregnancy or breastfeeding. There are many different options for implant size and placement, giving Dr. Lewis a great deal of flexibility to create your ideal breast size and shape.

Breast augmentation might be the right procedure for you if you want to increase your breast size or restore post-pregnancy volume loss. It can also be used to correct breast asymmetry. The Aesthetic Society offers more information about what breast augmentation can achieve on its website.

Breast Lift + Breast Augmentation—Do I Need Both?

Many women need both a breast lift and breast augmentation to achieve their ideal breasts. These two surgeries are easily combined to reduce downtime, expense, and the number of incisions needed. If you have significant sagging and you want to increase breast size, a lift with augmentation may be your best option.

Do you need a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both? Requesting a consultation using our online with Dr. Lewis is the first step toward achieving your perfect breasts. You can also call us at (804) 267-6009.