Don’t Be Embarrassed About Plastic Surgery

Two women sitting on couch talking

Do you want to look better? Increase your confidence? Have you considered cosmetic enhancement? As we talk with patients, we are often told that they’ve wanted the surgery for years. Many delay the procedure because they worry about what other people might think. Once the surgery is complete, many don’t even care; they just love their new look and wish they’d done the surgery sooner.

If you’re worried about what others might think about your plastic surgery, don’t be.The stigma around plastic surgery is fading and there’s no reason to be embarrassed about breast augmentation, liposuction, Botox, tummy tuck,  or any other cosmetic procedure you’re considering.

Increasing Popularity of Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic enhancement is growing in popularity. Last year (2014) saw a 3% increase in the number of cosmetic procedures performed. There were 1.7 million cosmetic surgical procedures performed and 13.9 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. When you receive plastic surgery, you aren’t alone. Millions of other men and women stand with you.

Some of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures (from 2013 to 2014) include:

  • Liposuction: 5% increase
  • Botulinum Toxin: 6% increase (and the highest number procedures performed in a year yet at 6.7 million procedures).
  • Male Breast Reduction: 14% increase
  • Dermabrasion: 12% increase
  • Tummy Tuck: 5% increase

If You Don’t Love it, Change it

A recent study found that 87% of American women are unhappy with at least one part of their body. Even those who haven’t received plastic surgery themselves understand the motivation behind the surgery. Life’s too short to spend it wishing your body was different. Take control of your appearance.

Many cosmetic procedures have high patient satisfaction rates. For example, 98% of women receiving breast augmentation say the results met or exceeded their expectations. You can love your body.

What Do I Do Next?

Are you ready to take that next step? Plastic surgery is no longer something you need to keep secret. The stigma is fading and men and women around the world are embracing surgical and non-surgical cosmetic enhancement. If you’re ready to learn more, call us at 804-267-6009 and schedule your consultation. What do you want to change?