How Does Social Media Influence Cosmetic Surgery?

Woman with sunglasses and bright lipstick holding her phone

There’s no denying that social media has changed the world. It’s changed how we connect with friends and family, how we spend our time and even how we see plastic surgery. Let’s take a quick peek at a few of the notable changes we’ve seen in plastic surgery due to social media.

Making It Photo-Worthy

Engagement ring selfies, a must-do rite of passage after a proposal, are a hot trend on social media. Women, wanting their hands to look their best, often turn to cosmetic treatments. Hand rejuvenation is a growing trend in the industry. The desire to look great in selfies doesn’t end with engagement rings. Men and women may opt for dermal fillers, chemical peels and other cosmetic therapies to look their best on social media.

While the trend to undergo cosmetic enhancement just to look good on social media may at first glance seem a bit extreme, it is important to remember that social media is a big part of the image we project to the world. Just like you wouldn’t leave your home without makeup, you want to put out your best image online. Plastic surgery won’t just change how you feel about yourself on social media; it can transform your feelings about your body, online and off.

Love Your Filter

Another trend in the industry that is deeply influenced by social media is patients using Instagram photos as examples during plastic surgery consultations. Instead of bringing in celebrity photos, patients bring in photos of themselves, but at their best. Often they ask to look like they do when their favorite filter is used.

This trend encourages people to love their own bodies, not just their celebrity ideals. It’s great to see patients wanting to look like themselves, only more beautiful.

Sharing in the Journey

Finally, social media makes it easier to share your cosmetic procedure journey. Kim Kardashian proudly tweeted a photo of herself in the midst of a “Vampire Facial” and others have followed suit. People share about their surgeries on Facebook, tweet about them on Twitter and post photos (both pre and post-op) on Instagram. Celebrities and others are embracing plastic surgery and are using social media to share the word.

Are you ready to tweet about your new breasts or to take a selfie with perfectly pouty lips? Call our offices today at 804-267-6009 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lewis.