Maintaining Your Plastic Surgery Procedure: Essential Tips

Recovery after plastic surgery isn’t the final step in your journey to looking better. Once those stitches have healed, you need to care for your body to encourage your results to last. Here are some tips that will help you look great long after your procedure.

Mommy Makeover

We love our children, but bringing them into the world can certainly take a toll on Mom’s body. A mommy makeover is an excellent option for restoring your body after baby. Each mommy makeover is different and will consist of the procedures your body will best benefit from (including breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, etc.). These tips will keep your new and improved mommy body at its best.

  • Wait Until After Childbearing– If you’re not done having children, you might not be ready for a mommy makeover. This procedure can bring dramatic results to your body, but many of these are reversed should you become pregnant again. For best results, wait until you’ve finished growing your family to get your mommy makeover.

Breast Augmentation

One of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation can give you the perky, full breasts you’ve always wanted. Keep your ladies looking lovely after surgery with these tips.

  • Lots of Support– Implants or not, sagging is a big risk for your breasts. Help them stay perky longer with lots of support. Wear a bra every day, especially when you’re exercising. For additional support, consider using a sleep bra. Wearing a bra as much as possible will help you to delay or avoid a breast lift later in life.
  • Don’t Forget Your Mammogram– Ask your doctor about their recommendations for breast imaging and follow them. Mammograms are one of the best ways to protect your breasts and fight breast cancer.


Liposuction is a permanent way to remove fat, but if you’re not careful, fat can come back. If you love your new liposuction curves, maintain them.

  • Eat Right– A healthy diet isn’t just good for your liposuction, it can also do wonders for your health. Focus on eating the right foods in the right amounts for optimal health.
  • Exercise Often– Regular exercise will help keep stubborn fat from returning. Create an exercise plan and stick with it.

If you love the results of your plastic surgery procedure, maintain it and enjoy your new look for years to come. Call us today at 804-267-6009 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lewis.