5 Reasons Why Breast Augmentation is Still on Top

Breast Augmentation has been the NO.1 cosmetic surgery procedure performed at Lewis Plastic Surgery in Richmond.  How does the procedure continue to be this popular each and every year??

This article by Dr. Anu Bajaj on Bajajplasticsurgery.com has some great reasons to consider:

Reason #1 Breast Augmentation Satisfaction Ratings Are Through the Roof

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently published a study in which 98% of women surveyed had said that their augmentation results met or exceeded their expectations. Another 90% of the women surveyed also reported an increase in their self-esteem. This trend has been consistent with other surveys as breast augmentation continues to achieve high patient reviews. The procedure has even been linked to other benefits including an improved sex life. All of these positive results and reviews continue to spark new interest in other women.

Reason #2 The Procedure Does Not Take Long or Require a Lengthy Recovery

A breast augmentation usually takes just a couple hours and does not require an overnight stay at the hospital. There is little interference with daily life and depending on their occupation, most women return to work after just a few days spent recovering.

Reason #3 The Implants Have Been FDA Approved For Safety

Both saline and silicone gel implants have been approved by the FDA for breast augmentation after extensive studies on each. Because saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, they are safe in case an implant ruptures. The new silicone gel implants have been created to not leak into the body if there is a rupture. Neither silicone nor saline implants have been tied to any major disease or breast cancer.

Reason #4 Breast Augmentation Results Last Long

Though implants are not intended to be lifelong, the results last for decades. There is typically no need to replace or adjust the implants at regular intervals and the implants have proven extremely durable.

Reason #5 A Woman Can Achieve the Results She Desires

With the wide variety of implants available, and now the addition of the new MemoryShape silicone gel implants, women are better able to achieve the personalized results that she desires. There are currently seven implants and three manufacturers that have been approved for use in the United States. Each implant then breaks down into several different sizes, shapes, and profiles. The diverse group of implants allows women to better customize the look that they want.