Angela’s Breast Implant Removal

… It took me 1 month to do the research and I chose Dr. Lewis because he was highly recommended and he was the only doctor I considered…

“Since the last procedure my annual mammograms were becoming more painful and the last mammogram earlier this year indicated that the implants were leaking. Over the years the implants had also become hard and quite painful. So, at age 72, I decided that I did not want to go through another augmentation and thus the decision to have the implants removed was an easy one to make.”

“It took me 1 month to do the research and I chose Dr. Lewis because he was highly recommended and he was the only doctor I considered. After my initial appointment with Dr. Lewis I knew that I had made the right decision about having the procedure and I had definitely made the right choice for the doctor to perform it.”

“Dr. Lewis was great in explaining the details of the surgery, what I would look like afterwards and what to expect during recovery. The medical team at Johnston-Willis was fabulous in all areas. I was a bit nervous as I have had problems with anesthesia in the past and I explained this and the anesthesiologist was very understanding about my concern and this made me feel more at ease.”

“After the surgery I had some discomfort for 2 weeks but it never got to the level of having to take any pain medication. I was able to resume all of my normal exercise activities after my first follow-up visit with Dr. Lewis.”

“My only regret is that I didn’t have the procedure done years ago. I am no longer in pain and to be pain free for me was my primary goal. Even though my breast are saggy (I knew they would be)I am elated with the results. The fact that they would look different wasn’t even a consideration for me.

“I would definitely recommend Dr. Lewis!!! Appointments with times convenient for me were easy to make and when I got to the office I was seen in a timely manner. Dr. Lewis took the time to explain everything about the procedure and I was encouraged to ask questions (I never felt rushed). For me this was the best medical experience that I have had in a long time.