What’s Recovery Like After a Brazilian Butt Lift?
You’ve always wanted a bootylicious bottom and you’re finally ready to get a Brazilian butt lift. As you prepare for surgery, you likely have questions about what will come next. What’s recovery REALLY like? This…
What Are the Most Common Reasons for Needing Breast Revision Surgery?
You love your implants and can’t ever imagine wanting them removed, but there are times that breast revision is necessary. One risk of breast augmentation is the potential need for other surgeries down the road,…
Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About Moles
Moles… you’ve probably got them, but how much do you really know about them? Keep reading for everything you’ve ever wondered (and a few things you haven’t) about moles. What Is a Mole? Moles occur…
Liposuction: It Isn’t Just for the Body
When patients come in looking for ways to restore lost facial contours or to eliminate the bulge of fat beneath their chin, they are often surprised at our recommendation: liposuction. Many people believe that liposuction…
What Can Neograft Do For Me?
Thinning hair? Have you considered Neograft? This revolutionary hair transplantation method is an excellent option for many patients. If you’ve avoided hair transplantation because of the many downsides associated with older methods, come learn about…
The Normalization of Plastic Surgery
Are you considering plastic surgery? You’re completely normal. A recent article in Time magazine discusses the dramatic changes that have occurred in the plastic surgery industry over the last couple of decades. What was once…
Avoiding Sunburns This Summer
It’s getting hotter and we’re loving sunny days by the pool. As you soak up the sun this summer, stay sun safe. Not only will you avoid uncomfortable sunburns, you’ll also protect yourself from premature…
Cosmetic Surgery Following Massive Weight Loss: What Do I Need to Know?
Losing weight is hard work, but you’ve finally done it. You’ve dropped those extra pounds and are now enjoying a lighter, healthier body. Congratulations! Unfortunately for many weight loss patients, the victory of losing weight…
The Future of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is constantly changing as new techniques are developed and as trends change. While we love working with patients in the present, we also look forward to the changes that come in the future….
Celebrities Who Love Plastic Surgery
Hollywood’s got a secret, and that secret is plastic surgery. Many celebrities use surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to achieve their stunning good looks. While some celebs keep their enhancements under wraps, many openly…
Why Choose Dr. Lewis
Interested in Plastic Surgery? Look no further than Dr. Gordon Lewis! Why? Read on! If you know anyone in the Richmond area interested in plastic surgery, download and share this great infographic with them. Board…
Don’t Be Embarrassed About Plastic Surgery
Do you want to look better? Increase your confidence? Have you considered cosmetic enhancement? As we talk with patients, we are often told that they’ve wanted the surgery for years. Many delay the procedure because…
Why You MUST Check Your Surgeon’s Credentials Before Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery is surgery, which means that there are risks. One of the best ways to reduce your risk of complications and to ensure stunning aesthetic results is to choose your surgeon carefully. Here are…
Do I Need Facial Liposuction or a Facelift?
Do you want a more youthful appearance? Many aging men and women assume that a facelift is the only option for a rejuvenated face. While a facelift is the best option for some, many patients…
All About Breast Lifts
If you’ve got breasts, odds are they are going to sag. Yes, genetics, pregnancy, gravity, and other factors play a role, but most of the time some sagging is inevitable. A surgical breast lift is…
Summer Cosmetic Surgery Must-Dos
Swim suits and strapless dresses… if there’s one season when you want to look your best, it’s summer. Cosmetic surgery to the rescue. From surgical procedures to minimally-invasive pick-me-ups, we’ve got something for everyone this…
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Let’s face it: Body + Baby = Big Changes. Loss of breast volume, sagging breasts, stretch marks, loose skin, stubborn fat and cellulite all come with the new mom territory. While you wouldn’t trade your…
Need a Career Boost? Try Botox
Could your career benefit from a little Botox? Studies consistently show that looks do matter when it comes to career success and Botox is one of the easiest ways to enhance your looks. Come in…
Do’s and Don’ts of Sunscreen Use
Is your skin ready for summer? Although sunscreen is important every day, summer’s a good time for a refresher course on this important skin protecting tool. How well do you know sunscreen? Check out these…
Dr. Lewis wins Richmond Top Docs!
Dr. Lewis was featured in Richmond magazine’s Top Docs, as a winner! Annually, Richmond Magazine surveys all the physicians in Richmond. These physicians selected Dr. Lewis as one of the best Plastic Surgeons in Richmond!…